Monthly Archives: June 2014

Portland’s Call-and-Response

Gone are the days when Portland City Commissioner Steve Novick could create a sensation simply by opening a bottle of beer. Back in 2008, when he was running for U.S. Senate, one of his ads showed him on a bar stool talking politics to a guy who was having trouble getting the cap off his […]

The War on Guns

If you are one of those people who secretly enjoys each new high-profile shooting, believing it’s going to bring the U.S. closer to banning firearms, don’t get your hopes up. America will always have guns. It cannot control guns any more successfully than it has controlled drugs or illegal immigrants. It has been estimated that […]

D-Day’s Ordinary Men

Here they come, the last members of that over-hyped “Greatest Generation” to celebrate America’s longest and finest day. That’s how the publicity and remembrances of June 6, 1944 may seem to some of the grandkids and great grandkids of that generation. “That was 70 years ago. Let’s move on,” someone said to me last month, […]