Tag Archives: Donald Trump

What Could Go Wrong?

It’s hard to get excited over the insurrection in Washington D.C. after a year when rioting became acceptable in the U.S. If it’s OK to go on a rampage in service to Black Lives Matter, why can’t a QAnon freak like Jake Angeli roam the Senate floor showing off his bare chest, painted face and […]

Trump: Tragedy, Farce, Comedy

“Do you think these people want to pick the carcass?” That was the question former President Richard Nixon reportedly asked a supporter after he had been impeached and was facing indictments. It’s not likely a question President Donald Trump is asking. He’s probably plotting his own revenge. While some Trump-haters want to see him sharing […]

Fanfare for Donald Trump

Should Donald Trump live to see Election Day, he deserves another win. It would be a rebuke to America’s vaunted media who have devoted the last four years to waging war on him. This is the same media who are forever telling us that the president of the United States is the most powerful man […]

Stay Home Forever, Save More Lives

What an exciting time to be a grocery store clerk. You are hailed as a hero just for showing up at work. It’s a long way from storming the beaches of Normandy, but that was another America. In this America, we’re encouraged to behave like frightened hypochondriacs while our political leaders induce an economic meltdown, […]

The Monsters Bide Their Time

We’re all living on Maple Street now. Has there ever been a more sheep-like animal than humans? The panic over COVID-19 is absurd. Even if it should turn out that coronavirus is as dreaded as the politicians and media claim it is, we will have behaved in an embarrassing way. What’s next – a lynch […]

A Season of Hate and Prayer

The Salvation Army is praying for President Donald Trump. It isn’t working. “God is slow to answer sometimes,” explained Cheryl, who works in the Happy Valley, Ore., office of The Salvation Army. I usually send a check to The Salvation Army during the holiday season. On the back of the return form there is a […]

Abortion: A Political Moneymaker

The night Ronald Reagan was elected president I was a young reporter working in a newsroom, and I half-jokingly told my female colleagues, “Well, ladies, break out the coat hangers.” Thirty-eight years later, through subsequent Republican administrations, we still have a right to legal abortion. If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed for the U.S. Supreme Court, […]

The Enemy of the Press

What a sorry spectacle to see America’s First Amendment-privileged press pleading their case to a public that has every right not to trust them. “We are not the enemy of the people,” Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor of The Boston Globe’s editorial page, said in explaining her paper’s coordinated effort to have American newspapers editorialize […]

The Truth About Africa and Haiti

What a shit-storm over a question that deserves to be explored. Why should the United States take in immigrants from “shit-hole countries” like Africa and Haiti rather than from places like Norway? It’s hard to know what’s worse – that President Donald Trump was so indiscriminate in front of people he should’ve known would use […]

The Last Days of America

In matters of male-female relationships, my working-class brother is fond of saying, “It isn’t the bulge up front that counts – it’s the bulge in back.” Judging a man by the size of his wallet is kind of like measuring a female by her cup size. Except now it’s a lot easier for a woman […]