Tag Archives: Gregory McKelvey

Portland: A City of Nobodies

Here’s a glimpse into the future of law enforcement in Portland, Ore.: A hand-scrawled cardboard sign taped outside the wall of the Stevens-Ness Law Publishing Co., “Per Rico and Riot Ribs please don’t vandalize.” Will Portland’s nationally-recognized protests, which have included vandalism and looting, devolve into a protection racket? The Stevens-Ness store is a block […]

The Media Gaslight Themselves

A gunman kills 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, and journalists in Portland, Ore., turn against a newspaper columnist who dared to write something laudatory about an activist who supports Donald Trump. This progressive corner of America is becoming so irrational that the press – the one institution with constitutional protection to ask questions – […]

Wheeler and the Jive-Talkers

The tidy, black girl didn’t look much older than 10. She was dressed in what looked like, at the time, the standard blue-and-white Catholic school uniform. She sat towards the front of a public transit bus as it made its way through Oakland, Calif. Given the late afternoon hours, she was probably headed home. She […]