Category Archives: Portland

The Media Gaslight Themselves

A gunman kills 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, and journalists in Portland, Ore., turn against a newspaper columnist who dared to write something laudatory about an activist who supports Donald Trump. This progressive corner of America is becoming so irrational that the press – the one institution with constitutional protection to ask questions – […]

Portland in a Daze Over Protests

Blue wave or red wave – somebody’s headed for an ass-kicking in Portland, Ore. on Election Night. Will it be the dark-skinned black Jo Ann Hardesty, a community organizer who won’t be satisfied with police reform until a cop is killed? Or will it be the light-skinned black Loretta Smith, a county commissioner whose skin […]

The Media’s Minstrel Show

Portland, Ore., wallows in guilt for being “the whitest big city in America” as if that were, in and of itself, a bad thing. Portland is actually something much worse: It is the most race-obsessed city in America. Thanks to the media – local and national – Portland can’t get over, won’t get over its […]

Occupy ICE: A Portland cesspool

The one-month anniversary this week of the Occupy encampment at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Portland, Ore., ended with a quiet thud – not the day of action and celebration it was supposed to be. “Organizers behind #OccupyICEPDX are celebrating one month of collective resistance in a movement that has spread across […]

Our ‘Queer and Caramel’ Future

Gay Pride Month has started to resemble that song, “How Do You Keep the Music Playing?” It’s a challenge for civil rights movements that have had success. How do you find new things to protest? You create new outrages. When a man named David Eugene Pierce, living as a woman named Gigi Eugene Pierce, was […]

A Good Shoot or Bad Shoot?

The loss of a life isn’t always tragic. Sometimes it makes perfect sense. Take John A. Elifritz, for instance. On his last day on earth in Portland, Ore., Elifritz, 48, acted like a man with a long criminal history and a meth habit. After several hours of threatening to cut his own throat, menacing other […]

Nurturing Our ‘Freddy Kruegers’

One of the best things that ever happened to Noah Schultz was being treated like an adult when he was 17 years old. He was dealing drugs – had been since he was 12 – when he pistol-whipped another drug dealer in Portland, Ore. It was April 2009, and Schultz wasn’t much concerned about the […]

The Politics of Progressive Justice

If you were once an incarcerated felon, you would have qualified for free admission to a recent event in Portland, Ore., featuring progressive Florida prosecutor Aramis Ayala. If you were the victim of a felon, you would have paid $10 to $40. How’s that for progressive? Put a smile on it. This is Portland. Liberal […]

Portland’s Twisted Values

New York City has Central Park, and Portland, Ore., has an elaborate trail system that extends throughout the city, from Forest Park in the northwest to the southwest hills. Central Park has its nooks and crannies where homeless can hide, but nothing like the camps found in available green spaces in Portland. Portland’s urban woods […]

Wheeler and the Jive-Talkers

The tidy, black girl didn’t look much older than 10. She was dressed in what looked like, at the time, the standard blue-and-white Catholic school uniform. She sat towards the front of a public transit bus as it made its way through Oakland, Calif. Given the late afternoon hours, she was probably headed home. She […]